RE: VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 10,25,31,35,40,50(1),232(1)(G), AND 234(2) OF THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA, 2010 AND SECTION 10 OF PUBLIC SERVICE(VALUES AND PRINCIPLES) ACT NO.1 A OF 2015 IN AND RELATION TO THE APPOINTMENT OF COLONEL ALICE MATE AS AGENCY DIRECTOR, ASSETS RECOVERY AGENCY. OUR CLIENT STEPHEN VICKER MANGIRA ID NO>20129581. The source of this story is from Steve Vicker Mangira written by his lawyer Kinyua Steve Vicker Mangira previous photo taken at Shanzu court Mr. Stephen Vicker manager, the above-mentioned client is a Kenyan citizen by birth. He has elected to exercise his civic mandate under articles 3 and 10 of the constitution of Kenya, 2010, and to access information held by you which he requires to exercise and protect his fundamental rights and freedoms under articles 25©,31,35, 40,48, and 50(1). this letter is also addressed to you under provisions of article 47(2) of the constitution of Kenya,2010 as regards fair administrative actions Our clients fundamental ri...
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